Seller's Information (Washington):
Prepared by:  
Preparer Email:  
Prepared for:  
Seller's Email:  
Property Address:  
Property City:  
Property County:  
Sale Price:
Sales Tax:
Costs to Close:
Pay off 1st Mortgage:
Pay off 2nd Mortgage:
Seller Credit:
Realtor Commission:  
Title & Escrow Costs: (will be auto calculated)
Title Insurance:
Escrow Fee:    (Per Side)
Reconveyance Fee:
Sum of Costs to Close:
Estimated Net Proceeds to Seller:
All fees are estimates. As such they are subject to change and final verification.
Provider does not assume liability for errors.
For exact figures, please contact your Escrow Officer or Client Services at (877) 678-1678.
Seller's Information (Washington):
Prepared by:  
Preparer Email:  
Prepared for:  
Seller's Email:  
Property Address:  
Property City:  
Property County:  
Sale Price:
Sales Tax:
Costs to Close:
Pay off 1st Mortgage:
Pay off 2nd Mortgage:
Seller Credit:
Title & Escrow Costs:
Realtor Commission:  
Title Insurance:
Escrow Fee:   (Per Side)
Reconveyance Fee:
Sum of Costs to Close:
Estimated Net Proceeds to Seller:

All fees are estimates. As such they are subject to change and final verification.
Provider does not assume liability for errors.
For exact figures, please contact your Escrow Officer or Client Services at (877) 678-1678.